See here some FAQs that should help you understand who Utopi are, what we do, and the value we offer all residents.

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The Technology.

What is Utopi.

Utopi has a mission to create happier, healthier and more sustainable multi-tenant living spaces.

Utopi technology gives building operators real-time wellbeing and energy consumption data from within their building.

These insights allow building operators to take action to improve your living environment and reduce a buildings carbon footprint.

Why is it being installed.

Building operators are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their buildings are performing to Environmental, Social and Governance standards – a framework designed to consider the needs of all stakeholders in a building, including investors, operators and residents. The data collected and interpreted by Utopi technology gives building operators the tools they need to improve a building’s sustainability standards, reduce waste and improve residents’ living experiences.

What does this mean for me.

In time, your building operator may choose to share live building data with you via your resident app to improve your living experience, and enable you to contribute to making your home a more sustainable place to live.

The sensor takes less than 5 minutes to install, and no this is not a device used to spy or watch you at all. It is a specialist ESG device, allowing your operator to monitor sustainability targets.

The Experience.

Your privacy.

The sensors do not record video, images or audio. Data from the sensors is stored separately to any individual resident details held by a building operator. Utopi does not hold or store the personal details of any residents. The Utopi platform is designed to allow building operators to gain insights into a building in full compliance with UK and European GDPR regulations.

Utopi prioritises the security of any data it holds and implements industry best practices to ensure its safety.

How does the sensor report on Air Quality.

The sensor will pick up and record any volatile organic compound.  This could be CO2, aerosol sprays, cleaning, and disinfectants. 

The sensor reports a part per million (PPM) reading hourly to the portal.  

The sensor is not a smart device and cannot distinguish one volatile compound from another. 

Your health & wellbeing.

We might not realise it, but the indoor air quality in our homes can drastically affect our health. And if you spend a lot of time inside (hello, UK living!) making sure the air you breathe isn’t full of pollutants is important.  Luckily, there are a lot of simple ways you can improve indoor air quality and boost your quality of life.

The Utopi platform helps site teams monitor comfort scores for every resident, and action any anomalies found. Real-world data and insights mean they are one step ahead, for your benefit.

Does the sensor have a light or make noise.

/ Light.

No, the sensor does not have a light and shows no indication of being on/off.  It has been designed to be as un-intrusive as possible.

/ Noise.

No, the sensor has no moving parts and has been designed to be as unintrusive as possible. 

Your peace of mind.

The sensor is not...

/ A smart device.

It does not have the capability to listen. It will record decibel levels only.

/ A people counting device.

It is only capable of detecting motion. It does so via a PIR (Passive infrared) sensor.

Is Utopi collecting personal data?

We recognise that the data we collect can be personal data if it can be linked to a person living in a building. Whilst Utopi doesn't know who lives in buildings, our customers do, so we need to treat it as personal data and comply with GDPR as a data processor. Our customer is the controller because they are the ones who decide what data is collected within their buildings and what they do with that data.

Your Real-World Impact.

What difference does 1°C really make.

Your actions can make a positive impact on the planet, and on the long-term environmental performance of your building. Turning your thermostat down just 1°C for 12 months can achieve the following:

/ Fully charge 36,493 smartphones.

/ Save 769 miles of gas, the equivalent of driving from Scotland to London twice over. Or driving from Birmingham to Berlin.

/ Save the equivalent of 13.8 propane cylinders, which is enough to fuel 4-5 2 hour BBQs this summer.

Can my behaviour help the planet.

Sustainability is all about small changes that can have a positive impact on the planet, and reduce the impact of things like climate change.

There has been a big shift towards ESG performance, and your building is making an active effort to improve its carbon footprint. This could be reducing energy consumption, turning lights off in empty rooms or opening a window to cool a room down rather than using air conditioning.

Use Utopi to deepen your knowledge of your own impact, and you’ll see behavioural change is essential.

Who do I speak to about this.

Make sure to speak to your Building Manager or Operations Manager if you have any questions.

Utopi technology is installed, but your Building Manager is the best person to assist you with any questions on the system, your carbon footprint, or otherwise.

Some Environmental Context.

Are you ready to measure your impact and make a positive difference?